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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

8 Tips to handle a difficult boss at your job

We are not always fortunate to have a good boss. Sometimes we have a boss who makes tough and being rude to his subordinates, being negative and very authoritarian. How do you find the solution?

8 tips for you to find a way out, as follows:

Tips # 1: Do not gossip about your boss.
Gossip will create a chaotic atmosphere and make you become a part of the problem.

Tips # 2: Minimize contact.
At some stage, if possible use email to replace the phone function.

Tips # 3: Write down all the events.
Write down in detail all of your adverse events or extraordinary events. Write down all assignments and achievements.

Tips # 4: Request for Evidence.
Ask for evidence in the form of initials of the assignment and / or decisions made by your employer.

Tips # 5: Show Your Achievements.
Work hard and diligently to get personal qualities in order to achieve performance.

Tips # 6: Self Introspection.
You need introspection about your behavior and performance quality. Find out if unpleasant attitude of the employer only to yourself.

Tips # 7: Involve your HR Department.
If your boss attitude has exceeded the limit, you need to involve the HR department to get advice and a way out.

Tips # 8: Take the Peace Road.
Create a schedule to meet with your boss and HR department staff involved in order to seek reconciliation.

If the tips are already implemented but your boss still does not change, then it's time to you to take another alternative.

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