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Monday, February 15, 2010

10 Tips to Work Efficiently

Have you worked with a better performance than that specified by the company? If the deadline for the 3-day job, can you do in 2 days?

Everyone will want to succeed and excel in his career. Each person also does not mind doing more than that required companies to be more improved their performance.

What if you need to work more than 60 hours in one week? This certainly will create fatigue and loss of your creativity (s).

To keep you fresh and able to work more efficiently and effectively. There are 10 tips you can do:

1. Working Smarter: Always think and make plans before starting work. Think of a more creative way and find a new breakthrough. Do not just use the conventional way.

2. Follow the Pareto Principle: Pareto Principle says that 80% of output task comes from 20% of your work. Find out what the major work processes that give significant results. Prioritize this work, while others to the next job.

3. Delegation
Are you able to do 100 tasks at once? Or you might like Rambo can beat 1000 the enemies? Do not be stupid! Delegate tasks to your staff, do an important task.

4. Take a Time Out.
After the focus and concentration in 2 hours,  take a rest for 10 minutes. Perform relaxation, take breath, and drink water.

5. Reduce All Kinds of Disorder.
Do not allow phone call disturb your schedule, select the phone call will be answered. Do not waste a lot of time to read emails that are not directly related to your job. Do not be lured by the call gossiping. Tough on discipline yourself to time.

6. Complete the Task.
Do not delay the work if you can complete the task immediately.

7. Shorten Process Work.
Think about the system and work processes yag faster, more practical, more efficient and effective. Conduct meetings with the team for all divisions involved can do this.

8. Ask for Input.
Ask for input to complete your tasks to: your boss, co-workers or your friends who have the same profession, so you can get the best solution.

9. Manage Meeting time.
The prolonged meeting will waste energy and thought. Make a deal for a meeting within 1 hour. Important task of monitoring done through progress reports. Encourage meeting to resolve the critical problem in 1-month schedule, unless there is something very urgent.

10. Perform Morning Briefing.
Can be done on every Monday morning, do it in 15 minutes to equalize the perception and priorities that must be done.

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