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Friday, February 12, 2010

How to Communicate Well?

Globalization has occurred in all fields of business, both in the private sector and government. Are you believe it? Prepare yourself to survive, and not fired in your internal environment. One solution is to increase your ability to communicate effectively; as follows:

1. Mastering the basics of communication.
You should be able to verbally and in written communication into and out of the company. You also need to be able to express your ideas. If you are not able to communicate and express yourself well, this will cause people do not believe in you.

2. Think about what you say.
The words that would be a sentence would have; subject, object and predicate, so that your sentence would be better. Make a short sentence that is easy to understand.

3. Do not Be Afraid.
Many people are becoming afraid to speak, for fear of being wrong. This makes you not speak, but made mistakes in grammar is normal, than you are not make a communication.

4. Prepare yourself.Prepare yourself well before the meeting, both informal meeting and/or the meeting which was attended by many participants. Agenda and documents for materials should be prepared before the meeting, made a concise and clear.

5. Listen to others.We have many busy meeting participants to use cellular phones for short  message while meeting. They do not concentrate and did not focus on the content of discussed at that meeting. Listening to what the other participants can be input for a way out of a problem. Listen to others talk will make him valuable.

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